Enhancing EV Fleet Efficiency Across Business Types with Aurecon Group

Smartrak has taken a leadership position in helping fleets improve efficiency and reduce their emissions by making it easier to manage and fully utilise electric vehicles (EVs). One of the strategies for achieving this is through collaboration with key leaders in Australasia’s EV transition, including Aurecon Group, Griffith University and Meridian Energy. Smartrak is committed to understanding the unique requirements of these organisations, and through this understanding, developing tailored solutions that streamline EV management processes.

In this article, Smartrak sits with Aurecon Group’s Associate of Integrated Transport and Mobility, Rich Mitchell. Together, they delve into Aurecon Group’s challenges of managing an electric vehicle fleet across various locations within the country and how they can maximise the utilisation of their EVs. Read on to discover more.

headshot Rich Mitchell
Rich Mitchell, Associate - Integrated Transport and Mobility, Aurecon Group

Q. What motivated Aurecon Group to collaborate with Smartrak on developing their EV telematics capabilities?

A. As existing customers of Smartrak, continuing our working relationship was an easy decision for us. While the current system serves us well, the opportunity to collaborate with Smartrak on a more tailored solution that aligns with our unique operational needs was compelling.

Q. What specific advantages does Smartrak's EV Enablement solution bring to your fleet management operations?

A. Smartrak’s EV Enablement solution offers us flexibility in managing our diverse fleet. We don’t want our workforce to be limited by geofences, time of day/night boundaries etc. as our projects can take us anywhere at any time. For instance, we work on projects such as new roads that don’t exist in current maps. Therefore, working with Smartrak allows us to cater for these requirements that may not apply to other businesses. This ensures our operations remain efficient regardless of time or location.

Q. How do you envision leveraging the insights and data provided by Smartrak's EV Enablement solution to optimise fleet performance and productivity?

A. The integration of Smartrak’s new system takes out much of the manual entry of data, providing us a more accurate picture of how vehicles are used and whether we are able to reduce our fleet or change vehicle types if the data shows a more suitable vehicle would apply. For example, if planning a trip to a remote location, the booking system could suggest a PHEV or hybrid as the most fit-for-purpose vehicle as opposed to an electric vehicle. By leveraging this data, we aim to enhance operational fleet efficiency, drive cost savings and achieve productivity gains.

Alongside Aurecon Group, Smartrak remains dedicated to innovation, and collaboration in shaping the future of sustainable transportation. Smartrak’s EV Enablement solution effectively bridges the gap between conventional and electric fleets, ensuring fleet EVs work just as hard as conventional vehicles.

Whether you have already started electrifying your fleet, or are simply exploring the possibilities, Smartrak are the experts to provide support and guidance. Get in touch to learn more about how they can assist you on your journey towards sustainable fleet management.

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