Why you need 24-7 Monitoring

You've got a rotating roster of staff operating alone in a variety of locations, all supported by the latest lone worker devices. All which have an escalation that notifies yourself by both phone call, text message and email. You've gone home, gone to bed and forgot to plug in your phone. 1am comes, your phone is out of battery and a lone worker has set off their distress. What happens?

The reality is that in this situation, it's unlikely you'll know about or respond to the distress until the next day - hours after the initial alert. Even if you have multiple people that are alerted, if for whatever reason they don't receive it in a timely manner either the system has failed at a vital moment.

  • What happened to the remote worker who set off the alert?
  • Are they alone?
  • Was it a major issue?

You may be too late to find out...
Situations like this are what 24/7 monitoring helps you avoid. By having a dedicated call centre of security monitoring professionals ready to act as soon as an issue is identified, there is no reservation that your lone workers will receive the support required. With appropriately tailored escalation processes, a monitoring centre will be able to assess the situation and ensure the right people are followed up, be it a manager, or emergency services, keeping your staff supported and safe in the field.

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