Next-level vehicle security with PoolCar and KeyMaster

PoolCar and KeyMaster are designed to help simplify the management of pooled fleets and streamline access to vehicles for users. But the combination of PoolCar and KeyMaster has additional benefit in that they help organisations improve the security and access to their vehicles. Learn how to improve your vehicle security with KeyMaster and PoolCar.

Controlling who can book a vehicle

Let’s start at the beginning. Someone can only make a booking through PoolCar if they are an authorised user. This means they have been specifically granted visibility of certain vehicles and the opportunity to book them in the booking platform. Authorisation is govened by the types of vehicles a user is authorised to drive, by location, and by time controls (excluding out of hours or weekend use, for instance).

By itself, PoolCar provides assurance that only authorised people are booking vehicles. But this isn’t the same as controlling access to vehicles. If the keys to fleet vehicles are hanging on a hook in an unattended office, unauthorised people can still gain access to them regardless of booking controls.

Controlling access to vehicle keys

The next step in increasing security is through the use of KeyMaster key cabinets. KeyMaster cabinets are designed to integrate directly with PoolCar and will only release keys to people who have a valid booking in PoolCar. The cabinet is also controlled by PoolCar, which means it can be situated virtually anywhere that’s convenient to vehicle users, provided it has access to the internet and power. If you have a satellite office or worksite that’s remote from head office, you can keep the keys for vehicles based at that location in an onsite KeyMaster.

It's also impossible to take the wrong keys from a KeyMaster cabinet because the key that’s associated with the booked vehicle is illuminated within the cabinet, with all other keys held fast by locking bolts.

Furthermore, KeyMaster cabinets are equipped with an integrated pinhole camera that captures the image of everyone who accesses the cabinet.

Including a KeyMaster within the solution also brings a degree of rigor to key management. By removing the requirement for someone to physically oversee keys, you eliminate any occasions where keys are left unattended or mistakenly handed to the wrong person.

The solution for comprehensive vehicle security

As an integrated solution, Poolcar and KeyMaster effectively plug the gaps in access and vehicle security. And they provide that confidence while reducing management workload and streamlining access for legitimate vehicle users. These are important aspects in solution efficacy. If your vehicle security protocols hinder operations or demand extra effort in order to comply with them, they will eventually be ignored; PoolCar and KeyMaster ensure that compliance is easy and automatic.

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