Driver Safety

Safe Drivers, Safer Fleets

On average, fleets experience a 20% accident rate per year. Given the costs and associated risks of accidents, fleet safety is of great concern to organisations.

Accidents have ripple effects beyond the direct cost; productivity, administration, and operations are all affected, not to mention the human impact on the drivers, the broader organisation, and the public.

Improving your company’s fleet safety isn’t as difficult as it may seem. Providing greater visibility of how your fleet is driven enables the organisation to coach drivers on best practice using tangible feedback. This reduces accidents and has a significant impact on maintenance costs.

How Smartrak helps with Driver Safety

Driver behaviour education

Educate and train your staff using scorecards, creating better, and safer drivers

Driver fatigue management

20% of fatal road accidents involve driver fatigue. Learn how you can avoid these risks

Insurance claims and vehicle downtime

Minimise insurance claims and reduce the vehicle downtime associated with theft and repair repairs due to harsh driving

Alerting and monitoring

Be alerted to vehicles involved in a collision and ensure a response is activated

Driver Behaviour and Creating a Culture of Safe Driving

Everyone likes to believe they are a good driver. The unfortunate reality is that drivers in company fleet vehicles are at a higher risk of being in an accident than the average driver. One in five fleet vehicles are involved in some form of accident each year; drivers are 29-50% more likely to have a crash when driving for work purposes.

Irrespective of who is at fault in these accidents, the associated risks and costs are high. The average total insurance cost, inclusive of property damage, worker’s compensation and third-party costs is $28,122 per incident. These risks can be mitigated through the introduction of fleet management solutions and using this information to improve driver behaviour.
Without some form of measurement, drivers often have a limited understanding or awareness of their driving behaviour and style. Smartrak’s Fleet Management solution provides an interface with which to monitor and provide feedback to employees on their driving performance. Information surrounding over-speeding, harsh braking, and hard cornering can provide a generalised profile, and base level for drivers to improve upon.

Gamification of driver behaviour, where benchmarks are set, and teams and individuals are scored against each other can bring a level of competition to driving improvement that encourages better driving.

Fleet Management can be the unbiased and confidential platform with which your staff can be educated and strive to improve their driving outcomes. This approach acknowledges those who exhibit the desired behaviours while providing others with the insights they need to improve their performance.

Creating a culture of safe driving has been shown to reduce the risk of accidents, ensure your staff’s safety, and reduce the associated costs of incidents. Good driving behaviour is also good for your fleet, reducing maintenance costs by as much as 25%.

Case Study - Meridian Energy

Using Smartrak Meridian Energy were able to identify their fleet’s real use profile, which supported the business case for integrating EVs into the fleet.

Accuracy you can rely on

Smartrak's driver behaviour reporting is based upon the data from our class-leading GPS tracking solution. GPS is a very mature technology, and Smartrak has developed methodologies to provide the most accurate and reliable data. 

Smartrak's AVL GPS velocity data is incredibly precise, with accuracy to 0.36km/h, and data sampling to ensure any false data is removed from our sampling when reporting overspeeding.

Using Smartrak's precise data and our industry best practice for reviewing and responding to speeding and drive behaviour events, your fleet is ready to become a safer environment.

Want to learn more about how we can help improve driver behaviour and safety?

We’re happy to answer any questions you have and help you find the right resources. Fill out the form and we’ll be in contact shortly.

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