Whether you are implementing Smartrak for the first time, or you have just joined an organisation that is using Smartrak, our training services can bring you up to speed in no time.
As a supporter of fleet management excellence, we are also proud to offer scholarships to the internationally recognised IPWEA Fleet Management Certificate.
Smartrak is the official Fleet Sustainability Partner for IPWEA (Institute of Public Works Australasia). This reflects our leadership role in developing both the technologies and the work processes that are enabling fleets to reduce their emissions.
Moving fleets towards more sustainable fleet operations is a subject we are passionate about and our support of two scholarships a year to the IPWEA Fleet Management Certificate reflects this. The Certificate reinforces best-practice in Fleet Management and provides a forum for learning where subjects such as emissions reduction can be fully understood and appreciated by students.
Previous Certificate graduates have said this certificate is an excellent aid to professional advancement for fleet professionals at all career levels and we encourage anyone in fleet management to consider it.
To find out more at
Smartrak recognises our ability to address Modern Slavery. In addition to being a signatory to the Modern Slavery Act, we are also committed to working with our supply chain to ensure people are treated fairly and to drive out corruption. In line with this, our Master Services Agreement, Supplier Contract, and Supplier Code of Conduct templates commit our customers and partners to the same standards. Recently, CSI Australia (which Smartrak reports under) reviewed its key suppliers to seek assurances about their practices. The statement we made to the Australian Government can be found at the following address: https://modernslaveryregister.gov.au/statements/file/c2db24dc-3125-46b6-b411-92022eb27371/