The Cost Savings of Proactive Maintenance

As a fleet manager, minimising your operating costs is one of your key objectives. Operating a fleet is expensive, so any savings you can leverage are important. Whether your fleet has one or one hundred vehicles, proactive maintenance can dramatically reduce the amount of time and money you spend on your fleet. Proactive vehicle maintenance will help keep your drivers safer, avoid premature wear of vehicles and components, and help you keep on top of WOF, COF, RUC, and vehicle registration.

Smartrak's Fleet Servicing module offers tools and features that can help you proactively maintain your fleet's vehicles and thereby reduce costs.

Using Smartrak's Fleet Servicing, you can track, schedule, and manage routine maintenance - streamlining the management of your fleet from a single location. No matter the size of your fleet, the Fleet Servicing module allows you to leverage preventative maintenance to maintain your vehicles, save money and ensure the safety of your drivers.

Save money

Though you don't have control of the cost of fuel, you can control your vehicles' maintenance and overall efficiency.

Simple maintenance that can easily be scheduled and checked off can improve fuel consumption by up to 40% and includes:

  • Checking and adjusting tyre pressure once a month - a potential improvement of up to 3% fuel efficiency
  • Removing unnecessary weight such as tools and clutter can result in a 1-2% improvement in fuel efficiency.
  • Regularly completing oil changes can improve your fuel efficiency by 1-2%

And what's more, in a survey by Bobit Business Media, 37% of respondents reported improved vehicle maintenance through the use of a telematics system.

Keep your staff safe

Work-related road accidents are twice as likely to result in death or permanent disability as other workplace incidents. Without regular maintenance to check for and fix mechanical issues, you could be placing drivers in increased risk. Simple maintenance such as checking tyre wear and pressure can improve braking efficiency and mean the difference between an accident and a near miss. By using a Fleet Servicing module to schedule and track routine maintenance, you can keep your vehicles operating at their best and safest, ensuring you are undertaking best practices to keep your staff safe.

Save on overall operating costs

Stretching the time between oil changes, tyre rotations, and routine tune-ups may save money in the short term, but it can lead to inflated costs in the long run. For example, regular tyre rotation can extend the life of your tyres by up to 20%.

With regular proactive maintenance, you can also avoid costs typically associated with the reactive maintenance and repairs that result from breakdowns and a run-to-failure. This includes costs such as unscheduled maintenance, equipment downtime and their roll-on effects of this disruption.

Emergency maintenance can cost between three and nine times the cost of planned maintenance - it pays to avoid unexpected repairs.

Streamline vehicle maintenance

Vehicle maintenance is only one of your fleet management responsibilities, so it's easy to let regular care give way to other tasks. Using Smartrak's Fleet Servicing solution, you no longer need to manually keep track of your maintenance schedules and needs.

You can also use Fleet Servicing for compliance records and use the solution's NZTA integration for automated management of WOF, COF, RUC, and vehicle registration - streamlining the process for your fleet.

Smartrak's Fleet Servicing also integrates with your fleet's virtual odometers and can provide reminders based on distance travelled and time since the last service, enabling you to automate the process and letting you focus on more pressing matters.

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