Is that driver licenced for that vehicle?

Ensuring that vehicles and machinery are in the hands of qualified drivers and operators is a duty of care issue that should be top-of-mind for all motor pool administrators. The employee and public safety reasons alone are enough to warrant attention, but alongside this, there are the wear and tear consequences of assets being used by inexperienced employees.

Smartrak's PoolCar addresses this by providing two levels of control:

  1. Driver authorisation
  2. Secure key control.

PoolCar’s integrated Driver Register captures licence expiry dates, for automatic alerts when a licence is coming up for renewal. Administrators can also nominate which drivers can operate particular vehicles by specifying licence class or type. Or restrict access where specialised training is required.

Smartrak's KeyMaster key cabinet is integrated with PoolCar, and reacts to the permissions specified by the motor pool administrator, so vehicle keys can only be taken by authorised drivers. KeyMaster also features a keyhole camera, to further ensure that the authorised driver is the one who accessed the vehicle keys.

For organisations with a decentralised vehicle pool, our Keyless Entry solution, which provides access to vehicles via a smartphone, RFID or building swipe card, provides a similar level of control. Once again, the PoolCar solution controls access according to permissions established by the administrator.

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